It was confusing and frustrating.
She had come to mourn, but someone had stolen Master's body!
They were all hiding out. What are disciples without a leader?
This was not the plan!
Or was it?
How often in the moments of feverish rushing, of preparation, and even of living for Christ, do we forget the important details?
Good Friday was my birthday, Saturday before Easter was so busy with errands and shopping for the girl's Easter outfits that I stayed up until almost 3 AM Easter morning cooking and finishing last minute details. I went to sleep and woke up at 6.
I am not a morning person. My hair wouldn't cooperate, I couldn't find the list of things that I needed to remember to do before I left, my mom was still sick and was staying home, one of the girls was on punishment and I wasn't feeling too charitable toward her. I might have muttered that I hated Easter. More than once. And I love Easter.
This was not the plan!
Or was it?
I arrived at church way early which proves my stress level didn't even need to be so high. I realized halfway through church that I'd forgotten my earrings, half of my Sunday School kids didn't show up, my dress kept dragging in puddles, and the Easter lily I bought especially for the pulpit table was moved to a much less noticeable place. But I also noticed that the man who walks to church and never dresses up was wearing a full suit, and had a fedora to match. Some of the teens' mom came for the first time and seemed to enjoy herself. No one minded me taking pictures of them and everyone was happy.
Excitement was in the air!
This is the day specifically set aside to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord! After a preparatory week of pondering his love, and the lengths he went to to redeem us through His crucifixion, we arrive at this day of victory. The day good wins over evil. Love triumphs over hate.
He is Risen!
Everything went exactly according to plan. It's just that sometimes we forget that.
Oh and regarding Mary and the disciples, you can read the full story at it's source HERE. I promise, it's a good one.
Happy Easter y'all.