Sunday, June 7, 2009


Hi World! We just finished up our 6th annual youth and family fellowship Friday evening. It was very hectic and stress-inducing but it was still a lot of fun. I got to hang out with friends a lot and to me that's a big deal. I dont think a lot of people have most of their friends in other states or at least hours away. Oh I miss everyone so much! The preaching was exceptional. The message about being a dreamer and following your dreams really stuck out for me, as well as the one about faith and the message about taking one step at a time...I'm at a transitional time especially where college and career are concerned which is nerve-wracking. I'm starting my internship and my last quarter of school! *AAGHH*
Anyway, speaking of college and/or career someone asked about a very large sketch and what price it would be. it gave me hope. These things happen when I'm least expecting them.
I'm praising the Lord for such a wonderful week...I'm beginning to appreciate my family and friends and all my blessings soo sooo much more than I ever did.


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