Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog and creativity everywhere. How does everyone do it?

Today for the first time in a long time I signed into my blog and went to the dashboard to check up on all the blogs I follow. I admit this was due to boredom more than anything... I immediately became inspired; there are so many of you crafty people out there just being creative all the time and you have left me in the dust. I will be joining you in creative-ville soon. I have a bad habit of putting things off (like those pictures that I'm supposed to upload of the things I got for my birthday along with a million thank you cards for those same gifts)  and I'm really trying to figure out how to best overcome it. Today I got a lot done, so I started to analyze how that happened. Lists are helpful, but I have to put them up where I will see them and they can't get lost. Rewarding myself with cool things I get to do if I get something done is helpful too.
So I got off on a tangent, what I was going to say is that telling people what you think (at least if it's positive) about things they've done makes them happy, and it actually feels really good not only to enjoy someone's interests with them, but to interact also. Sooo, go check out those blogs! Please remember to leave a comment, AND make sure that if you have a suggestion for helping with my lack of discipline you leave a comment... :-) I'm counting on you.


  1. Get yourself a bulletin board and lean it up on the wall where you can see it from every angle and tack up a list or a huge boxed calendar. :o)


  2. hehe, I'm no better at the 'discipline' thing than you are Lizzie.... so I really have no ideas or suggestions. So, I'll just pass on a quote from a friend of mine "Get your head in the game and enjoy it!".

  3. Nice to see that you are back and trying to get things together!


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