This is my friend Patrick. I took this picture sometime near the beginning of this year right before he got sick. He immediately asked to have the picture when he saw it because it's the only one with him AND his two best buddies Dexter and Divo (aka those dogs I teasingly called "Rats on steroids") in it.
On December 7th, 2011 Patrick passed from this life after a brief battle with cancer and then a brain tumor; he was only 44 years old. We had a love/hate relationship. He was like a big brother, and constantly teased me about everything. I would say that I was just on the defensive because he always came at me first, but I'm sure he would say differently. Patrick once told me that he was surprised I had a good singing voice..."But then, I guess you have to have something good to make up for that face." he added. He always joked that he was everyone's favorite, and I was no ones but his.
He was known for his positive attitude, and when he was diagnosed he emailed me and told me that he was going to beat it. When he died, the doctors said the cancer in his stomach was that time he had lost too much weight and was too weak for surgery for the brain tumor. During our serious conversations he always reminded me that out of everything negative, there is a positive, and through his sickness he posted on his facebook page the things that he was thankful for. He is a shining example for those of us who take things for granted on a daily basis.
We gave him a surprise birthday party in March (my birthday was about a week after) and he said it's the only time anyone was able to surprise him. I had to laugh because I "canceled" on him at the last minute after he invited me to his birthday dinner.
I will miss him terribly. I can no longer get online and have facebook battles with him that alarm everyone who doesn't know we're joking. My consolation comes in knowing that he accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior and was sure of his eternal destination being heaven.
I love you Patrick. You can be everyone's favorite in heaven...
until I get there lol.
Elisabeth Arona