Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fun stuff that's FREE!

Tomorrow will be the fourth (and second to the last) day of vacation bible school. I am a teacher and a helper (Friday I teach my lesson.) You really do need a lot of sleep when you're dealing with children you're not used to, so remember, you heard it here first. I have a headache that won't go away, and I worked most of the day, but I actually had fun! We made octopuses (you can also say octopi for more than one, which I actually like saying more because it makes me sound intelligent lol) from yarn and Styrofoam balls. I feel a tutorial coming on-maybe. The kids loved watching us make their crafts, I have to say that today's craft was a bit ambitious for their ages.

Okay, so I love seeing the words "giveaway", "free", and "swap", so I'm gonna share some that I found on blogs I follow AS WELL as a link for those who have etsy shops to check out :-) Hey. I'm just trying to do unto others as I would have them do unto me!! (Btw I'm currently waiting for a package from a giveaway I won, and an accessory from an accessory exchange I participated in.)

Remember this blog post I did about a recipe I changed around and made and LOVED?? Well, the lady blogger I follow here is having a recipe exchange! I'm gonna definitely do it, but you can too! I don't really make desserts much, but I'll find a recipe from somewhere lol. Even if you don't want to participate in the exchange you should check out her blog anyway. If you don't believe me, let me just tell you that the picture below is from her page, she made it and although I haven't tried any of her recipes yet I'm definitely going to.
Yeah, I know, it's distracting you already--so check out the recipe exchange HERE :-) 

That's not it though!!!
This blogger (and artist) caught my eye first because she's my age, but second because she's really good and I love to follow interesting blogs. If you wanna get in on a really neat giveaway (yeah I said that word) and follow a cool chica on her artistic journey please stop by there. You could win....

Whew...I'm running out of steam, but one more thing. If you're looking to make your shop "shopper-worthy" check out this link. I would wax eloquent here, but like I said, no more steam. Speaking of steam, I refuse to iron as a general rule, and especially refuse when I have to wake up early for vbs. I really think you should love me for that since I'm minimizing my carbon footprint, and whatever else, while saving energy to teach the future generations about God and being better I'm obviously sleepy (I think that ironing statement was unrelated, hmmm) and I'm going to bed! Let me know if you loved any of the links that I gave you here because I sure felt like I had hit the jackpot when I found them!

Elisabeth Arona


  1. Cool beans... first to comment! Really nice post and I liked the link that showed Etsy tips. (Oh and I always hated ironing. It took me over 50 years before I actually began doing it!!)

  2. Thanks for blogging about my giveaway!!! =)

  3. I always love your blog posts - Elizzy!


  4. pfd, I like commenting first too :-)
    Betty Rocker you rock lol. Hey, I'm trying to go meatless part of the summer, help a girl out with some recipes?
    Peridot, I like to share what I like :-)
    Taylor we both know you're just a lil addicted to giveaways lol
    Suki Thank you!


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