Monday, August 9, 2010

Marvelous Monday

I haven't decided what to label my Mondays-and many of you would argue that they are anything but marvelous. I disagree! While I truly dislike Saturdays, I LOVE Mondays! I don't work outside the home, so instead of dreading all of the weeks work, instead I look at all the things that I will create this week and can get started on today! It's a very exciting thing for me, and I wake up ready to get started.

My Monday morning consists of getting a good stretch in...
I'm juuuuust kidding, I would never be able to do that yoga pose (I don't even do yoga) I just thought it would give everyone a chuckle if I put that picture up. 

Then I quickly start saving the world...

One missed email, and Facebook status at a time...

After this, there is a jumble of cleaning my room, figuring out my next sewing project, and of course...doing my hair...

(no comment)

And of course I must eat!

What are your Mondays like, and why oh why do you hate them so?

Elisabeth Arona


  1. My Mondays start off clearing up the mess my husband and son left in the house over the weekend. ☺

  2. I don't dread Mondays....I get up and go to work and today when I get home there should be a little bitty girl to greet her grama. :)

  3. My Mondays start off like every other day at this point in my life.
    Each day is a blessing for me.


  4. mmm my mondays usually consist of ZUMBA, eat, shower and get to creating...!!!!


Please leave me a comment and put a smile on my face!