Monday, December 22, 2008

Do I look fat?

I don't like to call it a diet...the first three letters spell something fatal. I like to call it a change in eating habits. Either way I've noticed an unattractive weight gain and I have to do something about it. I lost seven pounds because of my accident, and then gained them all back on my steroids, and then my will gave way lol. I've never been the type to going to far for the sake of weight loss, or even care that much, but when my clothes start fitting different I don't like it. Mama promised to go on the Daniel fast with me after the new year, last time I did it for two weeks (skipping weekends) and I lost a dress size.
For Christmas (and :-) Christmas dinner) we are going over to aunt Luana's house. I always enjoy Christmas, and thanks to the sudden drop in the weather to 18 degrees, it feels like it too!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was joining in on the Daniel's fast, but I'm too sorry to even attempt it---I am going on a vigorous exercise program. It works well as long as I don't eat late at night. Good luck! (you don't look fat at all)


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