Friday, July 23, 2010


Tay and I went to a bead shop call The Bead Shoppe :-) I liked all the pretties I saw. I'm going back super jealous that if you don't live in GA, because you can't go to her brick and mortar shop. Don't worry, after sharing my pics I'll post the link for her online store.
Y'know the best thing? She sells vintage AND buttons!! You all know I LOVE buttons! All of these are beads pictures because I was there for Taylor and her bead addiction, not my button addiction.

I even bought a few beads (because I couldn't resist.) 
Wanna check her out online? You can find her at  Bauble Bangle Beads on Etsy!

Her brick and mortar shop is here in Georgia: 
Avondale Estates, GA, 30030

Elisabeth Arona


  1. I love vintage buttons and beads. I commented at length on Tay's blog about the bead shop. I would go crazy in that shop.



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